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NAET Allergy Elimination Therapy

NAET 1350x450 dandy girlNAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques)

What is NAET?

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques or NAET, is a system that was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, L.Ac, Ph.D, back in November of 1983. It is a completely natural, non invasive procedure, which means that there are no drugs or needles involved, to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities, often with lasting results, while improving the immune system.

According to NAET theory, energy blockages are the primary cause for any allergic reaction towards any substance. NAET works by removing these blockages, desensitizing the body from producing any adverse reactions upon future contacts, often with lasting results.

Categories of allergens include:

• Inhalants
• Ingestants
• Contactants
• Injectants
• Infectants
• Genetic factors
• Emotional factors
• Physical agents
• Molds & Fungi

Is there a certain order that must be followed in the treatment of allergies?

We always start by checking and treating 15 basic groups, which include basic essential nutrients for everyone. By treating these first, we are able to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Following a specific order is crucial, as one nutrient leads to the next, allowing for subsequent treatments to hold.

How many treatments will I need?

This will depend on the number of allergies each person has.  Genetics, body types, histories, and personalities are all taken into consideration when determining which allergens need to be treated.